7 amazing facts about tyres that you might know | Tyre Experts


You must know what tyres suits the best for your car. The design and making of the tyre influence its behavior on various surfaces such as wet, dry, hard or deformed. Other than this you need to know some interesting facts about tyres that will maze you.

Tyre experts offer the best car mechanical services inDubai UAE and guarantee you that you will be expert after knowing all these wonderful facts. Following is the easy-to-read guide that will help you understand all you need to know about tyres.

1.  Tyres are actually white

You must already know that tyres are made up of rubber. And natural rubber is white in color. During the manufacturing process carbon black, a compound is used to make tyres black. Carbon dark is utilized to fortify the ductile and sturdiness of the tires and changes the shade of the tire dark. Though carbon black was later replaced by silica. And color black was kept constant due to various reasons like dirt factor and it also suits any car type or color.

2.  Tyres are recyclable

 Tyres can be recycled to more than 100 products. As tyres are made up of natural rubber so this resource can be used in various things. Recycling of tyres help preserve the environment. These tyres can later be used as playground flooring, fuel, shoes and to build roads.

3.  Tyres have a dot code

On the circumference of the tyre there is a dot code. It is a four-digit number which signifies the week and year when the tyre was made. These are helpful while purchasing a new tyre or an old second-hand tyre.

4.  Tyres never go flat

Run-flat tyres have reinforced sidewalls that ensures long traveling without any air in the tyre. This prevents the need of any roadside repair in case of emergency. It is recommended to replace the tyre in the case of puncture. Repairing run-flat tyres is not the right thing to do.

Contact tyre experts if you face Car tyre issue in your car. Just go to car tyres service in dubai UAE to get help from expert mechanics.

5. World’s largest tyre

The world’s largest tyre is 80 feet long and around 10886 kg weigh. It is located in United States in Allen Park, Michigan. If you ever visit Michigan do not miss chance to see it.

6. Tyres produced per day

Around 6.8 million tires are created every day all throughout the planet. And now it is expected to grow over 8.2 million per day. China is the largest producing tyre country followed by USA, Japan, South Korea, and Germany.

7   Most expensive tyres

A Dubai based company, Z tyres are the most expensive tyres. A set of 4 tyres costs $6,00,000. These are tyres are covered with 24 carat of gold and diamonds. This company delivers tyre to attain high speed.

Tyre experts ensure the car safety of every car owner and provides the complete fix of your car. Visit brake pad replacement in Dubai UAE.

Also Read: Tech trends that are transforming and modernizing the Tyre Industry | Tyre Experts


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